Earth Hour- 27/3/10 20:30

Earth Hour – is a global campaign aim to make a difference by turning off their lights for an hour this raise an awareness towards the need to take action on the climate change. Making movement for a sustainable low carbon future for our mother earth. This cause started in 2007 taking Sydney, Australia as the lead wherein 2.2 million homes and businesses establishment join the campaign. Last year, it’s recorded a enormous success when over 50 million people around the globe and 35 countries participated in this global awareness. This Saturday March 27, 2010 at exactly 8:30pm, the world is calling you once again to stand up for this cause, let’s take the responsibility to get involved and to support this cause. Help others know about it by spreading it through mouth or through internet. Update your Facebook, myspace and your other social network about this global awareness Speak out ! Stand out ! Support this cause! and be one with the world